Can we customize our system after the implementation is complete?

All Gallery Systems products include extensive configuration options, allowing you to customize your collections management system to meet your needs. While many configurations can be easily managed in-house, Gallery Systems also offers additional consulting services for more complex configurations, as requested.

Can we customize our system after the implementation is complete?

When do we receive training? How much training will we need?

New clients typically receive training just before their staff starts to use our suite of collections management software. Our training provides you with an overview of standard application functionality, configuration, and working with your converted data. In addition, we can work with you to provide scenario-based training for staff in specific roles, in support of READ MORE

When do we receive training? How much training will we need?

What are the advantages of Gallery Systems managed hosting services?

The advantages of Gallery Systems managed hosting services include providing you with a simplified implementation experience by accelerating its speed and ensuring your technical requirements are fully handled. The technology staff at Gallery Systems will also provision your entire technical environment and relieve your staff of the stress caused by server maintenance, upgrades, and database READ MORE

What are the advantages of Gallery Systems managed hosting services?

How long does a data conversion project take?

Every data conversion project is unique and can take a few days, weeks, or longer. To complete this service, the format, complexity, and scope of your data, including the number of data fields to be converted will affect how long the data conversion process will last. The time required will also depend on your specific READ MORE

How long does a data conversion project take?

Why would we need data analysis, mapping and conversion services?

Several scenarios may require your institution to perform data analysis, mapping, and conversion. For instance, if you need to convert existing data from an outdated collections system or data from another file format, such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, or FileMaker. Or if you acquire a large collection that needs to be added to your READ MORE

Why would we need data analysis, mapping and conversion services?
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