About Gallery Systems

For over 40 years, Gallery Systems has developed collections management solutions for the world's finest cultural institutions. We are dedicated to helping our clients constantly improve the way they manage and share their collections.

The Amazing Conservator

A Day in the Life of a Museum Conservator
Have you ever been excited to start a conservation project, but were derailed by last minute exhibition checklists? Meet Jane, a busy conservator who has an exciting project ahead of her. But when an unexpected office-avalanche comes her way, will her conservation super powers be enough to save the day? Find out in this issue of The Amazing Conservator [...]

The Amazing Conservator

Collective Conversations with Bethany Bannister-Andrews

Bethany Bannister-Andrews, Collections and Digital Assets Manager, Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design
Opened to the public as a museum in 2002, Doris Duke’s Shangri La in Honolulu showcases a varied collection of Islamic art. The museum, originally constructed as a seasonal home, supports a collection of 4,500 objects from India, Egypt, Morocco, Spain, and the Middle East […]

Collective Conversations with Bethany Bannister-Andrews

Training Day: Keep Your Team in the Know and Your Records on Point

An Interview with Training Specialist, Allison Galland
Professional-level collections management training is the key to assuring your CMS implementation is a success. Gallery Systems’ Training Specialist Allison Galland has worked with many institutions to help them achieve this goal [...]

Training Day: Keep Your Team in the Know and Your Records on Point

The J. Paul Getty Museum and Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Joint Ownership of the Mapplethorpe Collection: Best Practices in Learning How to Share
In 2011, the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) jointly acquired a collection of over 2,000 works by Robert Mapplethorpe from the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation (RMF). This historic acquisition is unique in many [...]

The J. Paul Getty Museum and Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Content Strategy: Is it all About Digital?

A Guide to Creating a Digital Content Strategy for Your Museum or Institution
Digital Content Strategies have become a popular topic among institutions, with many museums developing and even posting these strategies, aiming to stay accountable to their audiences. Open publishing allows museums to share details with their public, serving them and the museum mission [...]

Content Strategy: Is it all About Digital?

The Whitney Museum and The Challenges of Cataloguing Performance Art

A Museum-Led Webinar by Farris Wahbeh, the Benjamin and Irma Weiss Director of Research Resources
The Whitney Museum of American Art has a long history of presenting important performance art, both in their collection and through the Whitney Biennial. Farris Wahbeh, the Benjamin and Irma Weiss Director of Research Resources [...]

The Whitney Museum and The Challenges of Cataloguing Performance Art

Unstable Materials and Conservation: The Art of Preserving Decomposing Objects

Conserving the Un-Conservable with Christian Scheidemann
With the introduction of unstable materials into the construction of contemporary art, conservators face a completely new set of challenges. How does one protect and stabilize an object that, by nature, is meant to decompose? [...]

Unstable Materials and Conservation: The Art of Preserving Decomposing Objects

National and Regional Grants to Help Get Your Collection Online with eMuseum

Acquire the Funding You Need to Showcase Your Collections Online
Digital engagement has changed the way audiences interact with institutions, and it’s now expected for museums to display their collection online. Digitizing objects for the web can be time-consuming and expensive [...]

National and Regional Grants to Help Get Your Collection Online with eMuseum

I’m Here, but My Database Is There: Accessing TMS When You’re Away From Your Home Base

Setting Up Remote Access to Your Collections Management Software
Between off-site visits, courier trips, and after-hours projects, there are a lot of reasons users can benefit from remote access to TMS on a smartphone or tablet. Connecting to TMS on your mobile device is a simple process [...]

I’m Here, but My Database Is There: Accessing TMS When You’re Away From Your Home Base
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